Kashmir Saffron (Jammu & Kashmir)

Kashmir Saffron: The Golden Spice of Jammu and Kashmir


Kashmir saffron, also known as “Kashmiri Kesar,” is a highly prized and expensive spice grown in the picturesque valleys of Jammu and Kashmir. Renowned for its distinctive flavor, aroma, and vibrant color, Kashmir saffron has been a staple of traditional Kashmiri cuisine, medicine, and religious rituals for centuries. In this article, we will delve into the history, production process, and unique characteristics of Kashmir saffron, as well as its cultural significance and economic importance.

History and Production

Saffron cultivation in the Kashmir Valley dates back to 500 BC, with historical records attributing its introduction to Persia. The spice is grown in the highlands (Karewa) of Jammu and Kashmir, specifically in the Pulwama, Budgam, Kishtwar, and Srinagar regions. Kashmir saffron is carefully harvested from the best highland farms, with minimal processing to preserve its natural quality.

Unique Characteristics

Kashmir saffron stands out from other varieties due to its:

– Higher crocin content (>200 @ 440 nm)
– Longer and thicker filaments
– Deeper red color
– Unique flavor and aroma

Cultural Significance

Kashmir saffron is deeply rooted in the region’s cultural heritage, used in various traditional contexts:

– Religious rituals
– Medicinal purposes
– Cosmetics
– Cuisine

Economic Importance

The Geographical Indication (GI) registration of Kashmir saffron has boosted its export market, ensuring that farmers receive a remunerative price for their high-quality produce. This exclusive GI tag also prevents the marketing of saffron from other regions as “Kashmir saffron,” protecting the economic interests of local farmers.


Kashmir saffron is an invaluable treasure of Jammu and Kashmir, celebrated for its exceptional quality, rich history, and cultural significance. As a symbol of the region’s prosperity and heritage, Kashmir saffron continues to captivate the world with its distinctive charmĀ andĀ flavor.

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